Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 10

Well, I learned a very big lesson yesterday. Stress and the HCG diet to not mix. At all.

What I ate yesterday:
Breakfast: Do I even need to put this part?
Lunch: Tilapia, asparagus, 3 pieces of garlic melba toast (3 because they're smaller than an actual piece of melbe toast). No fruit.
Dinner: Chicken with a rotisserie seasoning, lettuce with an HCG approved dressing (red wine vinegar, stevia, and water), 3 pieces garlice melba toast, and strawberries.
Lots of water

At least I didn't see a gain or another 0. I lost .1 lbs.

I'm now at 245.1. (from 245.2 that I hit 3 days ago)

Now sure how the rest of this is going to go. Time to review the "what to do if weight loss stalls" section of my book.


  1. With ANY diet there will always be a plateau. This is the point where people typically fall off the diet because they get discouraged. You have lost an astounding amount of weight in a VERY short time and you should be proud of that. Don't let the "stall" cause to lose your focus. You're doing a great job!

  2. Hang in there friend! I know it seems discouraging now, especially with all the stress, but keep it up! Proud of how much you've lost already, and I know you can keep going!
